
A us.betting.season.futureOddsTable shows a list of future odds of the selected outright. Selected team/player can be highlighted and seen on the left of the widget.

For the widget to render you need to provide uniqueTournamentId, other properties are optional.

new FutureOddsTable(props)

Name Type Description
props object
Name Type Argument Default Description
uniqueTournamentId number

Unique tournament ID.

outrightId number <optional>

Outright ID.

competitorId number <optional>

Competitor ID.

filter string <optional>

Determines the entity by which outright are grouped and filtered. It reflects the values in the dropdown. Valid values are: futures and competitors.

oddsTypeOverride string <optional>

Overrides the default oddsType set by the client setup. Valid values are: us (money line), eu (decimal) and uk (fractional).

sanitizeOdds boolean <optional>

If true filters out indeterminate odds.

bookmakers string <optional>

A comma seperated string with bookmaker keys in it. List of valid bookmakers keys.

addWordOddsToOutrightNaming boolean <optional>

If true concatenates word "odds" to outright categories names at the end.

disableAvgColumn boolean <optional>

If true hides average column in the table.

disableHeader boolean <optional>

If true hides header.

disableTournamentDropdown boolean <optional>

If true disables tournament dropdown.

disableFeatureDropdown boolean <optional>

If true disables feature dropdown. Applicable to futures layout.

disableCompetitorTypeDropdown boolean <optional>

If true disables competitor type dropdown. Applicable to competitors and competitorsType layout.

disableCompetitorDropdown boolean <optional>

If true disables competitor dropdown. Applicable to competitors layout.

disableSorting boolean <optional>

If true disables table sorting. Single-row tables have sorting turned off by default.

enableTeamColors boolean <optional>

Forces team colors.

border boolean <optional>

If true shows a border around the widget.

rowsPerPage number <optional>

If set enables table pagination and specifies the number of rows per page.

onItemClick function <optional>

Function/event handler. Emits uniqueTeamId on team click or touch and matchId on widget click or touch.



<div class="sr-widget" data-sr-widget="us.betting.season.futureOddsTable" data-sr-unique-tournament-id="132"></div>
<script type="application/javascript" src="https://widgets.media.sportradar.com/uscommon/widgetloader" data-sr-language="en_us" async></script>


    (function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){a[e]||(i=a[e]=function(){(a[e].q=a[e].q||[]).push(arguments)},i.l=1*new Date,i.o=f,
    )})(window,document,"script","https://widgets.media.sportradar.com/uscommon/widgetloader","USW", {
        language: 'en_us'
    USW('addWidget', '#sr-widget', 'us.betting.season.futureOddsTable', {uniqueTournamentId: 132});
<div id="sr-widget"></div>

JS/Example of using Event Handlers

    (function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){a[e]||(i=a[e]=function(){(a[e].q=a[e].q||[]).push(arguments)},i.l=1*new Date,i.o=f,
    )})(window,document,"script","https://widgets.media.sportradar.com/uscommon/widgetloader","USW", {
        language: 'en_us'
    USW('addWidget', '#sr-widget', 'us.betting.season.futureOddsTable', {uniqueTournamentId: 132, onItemClick: function(type, obj){alert(JSON.stringify(obj));}});
<div id="sr-widget"></div>