props |
Name |
Type |
Argument |
Default |
Description |
seasonId |
Player Id.
seasonDefaultSortDirection |
Sets initial season column sort direction. Valid options are asc and desc ...
passingColumns |
Comma separated string of passing table statistics column keys. Used for picking picking fewer columns and different order. Valid options are pc , pa , pcp , pt , pi , py , pr , pyg , pya , ps , pl .
rushingColumns |
Comma separated string of rushing table statistics column keys. Used for picking picking fewer columns and different order. Valid options are ra , ry , ravg , rt , rag , ryg , rl .
receivingColumns |
Comma separated string of receiving table statistics column keys. Used for picking picking fewer columns and different order. Valid options are recr , recy , rect , recyg , recyr , recl .
defenseColumns |
Comma separated string of defense table statistics column keys. Used for picking picking fewer columns and different order. Valid options are dt , dat , dct , dtfl , ds , dsy , ff , tfr , di , diy , dit .
kickingColumns |
Comma separated string of kicking table statistics column keys. Used for picking picking fewer columns and different order. Valid options are kt , ktb , kny , fgm , fga , fgp , sfgl , epkm , epka , epkp .
puntingColumns |
Comma separated string of punting table statistics column keys. Used for picking picking fewer columns and different order. Valid options are puntt , puntgy , puntgya , puntb , punttb , puntio , puntl .
kickoffReturnsColumns |
Comma separated string of kickoff returns table statistics column keys. Used for picking picking fewer columns and different order. Valid options are kr , kry , krya , krfc , krl , krt .
puntReturnsColumns |
Comma separated string of punt returns table statistics column keys. Used for picking picking fewer columns and different order. Valid options are puntr , puntry , puntrya , puntrfc , puntrl , puntrt .
disableTotalRow |
When set to true , disables the table total row.
hideBlankSeasons |
When set to true , hides blank season rows. Will also hide category table if all it's rows are hidden.
filterSeasons |
Deprecated -> use hideBlankSeasons instead. When set to true , seasons are not added to category tables if all relevant stats are 0! Empty tables are not displayed. If all category tables are empty, NoDataError is displayed.
hideBlankCategories |
When set to true , hides blank category tables.
border |
When set to true , table is displayed with border.