
A us.player.nfl.CareerStats displays nfl seasonal teams statistics table.

For the widget to render you need to provide playerId.

new CareerStats(props)

Name Type Description
props object
Name Type Argument Default Description
playerId number

Player Id.

seasonType string <optional>

Season Type - regular or playoffs.

seasonDefaultSortDirection string <optional>

Sets initial season column sort direction. Valid options are asc and desc...

passingColumns string <optional>

Comma separated string of passing table statistics column keys. Used for picking picking fewer columns and different order. Valid options are gp, gs, w, l, t, pct, pa, pc, pcp, py, pya, pyg, pt, tdp, pi, pl, sa, sysds, pr, fd.

rushingColumns string <optional>

Comma separated string of rushing table statistics column keys. Used for picking picking fewer columns and different order. Valid options are gp, ra, ry, rydsa, rag, ral, rfd, rfdpct, rst, rt.

receivingColumns string <optional>

Comma separated string of receiving table statistics column keys. Used for picking picking fewer columns and different order. Valid options are gp, tgt, recr, recy, recyr, recg, recl, yacr, rectd, yac.

offensiveLineColumns string <optional>

Comma separated string of offensive line table statistics column keys. Used for picking picking fewer columns and different order. Valid options are gp, gs, pen, peny.

defenseColumns string <optional>

Comma separated string of defense table statistics column keys. Used for picking picking fewer columns and different order. Valid options are gp, gs, tt, df, a, dt, mi, ds, dct, dat, spst, qbh, ff, ftd, di, dit, pd.

kickingColumns string <optional>

Comma separated string of kicking table statistics column keys. Used for picking picking fewer columns and different order. Valid options are gp, fgm, fga, fgp, fgl, xpm, xpa, xpmi, xpb, xpp, fgm10, fg10, fgm20, fg20, fgm30, fg30, fgm40, fg40, fgm50, fg50.

puntingColumns string <optional>

Comma separated string of punting table statistics column keys. Used for picking picking fewer columns and different order. Valid options are gp, puntt, puntb, puntgy, puntga, punttb, puntio, puntl, puntry, puntny, puntna.

kickoffReturnsColumns string <optional>

Comma separated string of kickoff returns table statistics column keys. Used for picking picking fewer columns and different order. Valid options are gp, kr, kry, kra, krl, krtd.

puntReturnsColumns string <optional>

Comma separated string of punt returns table statistics column keys. Used for picking picking fewer columns and different order. Valid options are gp, pr, pry, pra, prfc, prl, prtd.

disableTotalRow boolean <optional>

When set to true, disables the table total row.

hideBlankSeasons boolean <optional>

When set to true, hides blank season rows. Will also hide category table if all it's rows are hidden.

hideBlankCategories boolean <optional>

When set to true, hides blank category tables.

displayAccumulatedStatsCategoriesOnly boolean <optional>

Deprecated -> use hideBlankCategories instead. When set to true, individual tables are displayed only if a player has accumulated stats for a given category.

hideBlankColumns boolean <optional>

When set to true, automatically hides W, L, T and WIN% columns if seasons total for columns is 0 (i.e. values for all seasons are 0 or blank).

disableSeasonTypeDropdown boolean <optional>

When set to true, table season type dropdown is omitted.

border boolean <optional>

When set to true, table is displayed with border.



<div class="sr-widget" data-sr-widget="us.player.nfl.careerStats" data-sr-player-id="41c44740-d0f6-44ab-8347-3b5d515e5ecf"></div>
<script type="application/javascript" src="https://widgets.media.sportradar.com/uscommon/widgetloader" data-sr-language="en_us" async></script>


    (function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){a[e]||(i=a[e]=function(){(a[e].q=a[e].q||[]).push(arguments)},i.l=1*new Date,i.o=f,
    )})(window,document,"script","https://widgets.media.sportradar.com/uscommon/widgetloader","USW", {
        language: 'en_us'
    USW('addWidget', '#sr-widget', 'us.player.nfl.careerStats', {playerId: '41c44740-d0f6-44ab-8347-3b5d515e5ecf'});
<div id="sr-widget"></div>