
us.common.transactions displays recent, season, team, or player transactions.

To display recent transactions the parameter uniqueTournamentId must be set to the ID of the tournament whose recent transactions are to be displayed, and the parameter recent must be set to `true`.

To display season's transactions, either the uniqueTournamentId or the seasonId parameter must be set. If uniqueTournamentId is set then the current season of the given unique tournament is automatically selected for display, otherwise transactions of the season identified by the given seasonId are displayed.

To display team's transactions set the parameter uniqueTeamId. If the parameter seasonId is set then the team's transactions of the given season are displayed, otherwise recent team's transactions are displayed.

To display player's transactions set the parameter playerId.

new Transactions(props)

Name Type Description
props object
Name Type Argument Default Description
uniqueTournamentId number

Unique Tournament Id.

seasonId number

Season Id.

recent boolean <optional>

When set to true, displays recent transactions in a season.

uniqueTeamId number <optional>

Unique Team Id.

playerId number <optional>

Player Id.

pageSize number <optional>

When set it enables table pagination and defines the number of rows per page. Defaults to 50.

pageIndex number <optional>

When table pagination is enabled it sets the 0-based index of the table page to display. Defaults to 0.

enableDayFilter boolean <optional>

When set to true, enables day filter (and disables month filtering).

filterMonthNumber number <optional>

Used for season transactions to filter transaction by month. Valid values are 1 to 12, representing month sequence.

filterMonthNumber number <optional>

Used for season transactions to filter transaction by month. Valid values are 1 to 12, representing month sequence.

disableHeader boolean <optional>

When set to true, hides widget header.

disableMonthDropdown boolean <optional>

When set to true, hides month dropdown.

border boolean <optional>

When set to true, draws a border around the widget.

onItemClick function <optional>

Function/event handler, emits playerId on click or touch.



<div class="sr-widget" data-sr-widget="us.common.transactions" data-sr-unique-tournament-id="109"></div>
<script type="application/javascript" src="https://widgets.media.sportradar.com/uscommon/widgetloader" data-sr-language="en_us" async></script>


    (function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){a[e]||(i=a[e]=function(){(a[e].q=a[e].q||[]).push(arguments)},i.l=1*new Date,i.o=f,
    )})(window,document,"script","https://widgets.media.sportradar.com/uscommon/widgetloader","USW", {
        language: 'en_us'
    USW('addWidget', '#sr-widget', 'us.common.transactions', {uniqueTournamentId: 109});